Friday, August 4, 2023

 Unemployment: 3.5% ↓                 Joe Biden's Approval: 40% ↓


Unlit Earth BOOK Update

A nice guy pulled over to talk about my effort and take a picture of my sign. Send me your AMAZON stories!!! Or stories from other businesses.

Best of

A baseball game in Bhutan


Highlight of 39% of the Population Who Can't Afford $400

Portland Study:

92% of homeless are homeless for 1-10 years or more:
8% of homeless  are homeless for less than one year
30% of homeless are homeless for 1-3 years
22% of homeless are homeless for 4-6 years
10% of homeless are homeless 7-9 years
30% of homeless are homeless for 10 years or more [source]

The Wealthy

The 3 Richest Americans Hold More Wealth Than Bottom 50% Of The Country, Study Finds

Remember the bottom half includeds 39% of the population who can't afford $400.

$1000 cupcake in Dubai, UAE

$28 Million Dollar Car: Rolls-Royce Boat Tail


Eclipse Yacht 

2 helicopter pads, 24 guest cabins, 3 launch boats and a mini submarine. 533ft long. $500 million cost. [source]. "also comes with armour-plated to repel bullets and is protected by an anti-ballistic missile defence system installed by German experts AST." [source] The Eclipse yacht is owned by Russian/Israeli Roman Abramovich who "enriched himself in the years following the collapse of the Soviet Union in the 1990s, obtaining Russian state-owned assets at prices far below market value." [source]

Google Image Search


68% of Americans Want Marijuana Legal Updates



Antarctica And Mind Talent Stuff

If you imagine matter as a wave form, there's a corollary of macro matter sets but really small. When I look at eyes, I can sometimes see a whole history of that eye set. So for example if someone worked diamonds as a life. Your eyes become a diamond set. I can see banking history in some eyes. And interestingly one set of blue eyes look like Antarctica. 
You remember I run these matter wave sets forward with slight warmth focus change and backward with slight cold focus change and I was doing this while sitting with my sign in front of Amazon. "I wonder which direction this car will turn." Here I'll simply change my focus from cold to warm and see the car ZOOM into the FUTURE. Well did the car turn as the shift to warmth prediction? They don't always, but often time the cars will zoom forward in parallel with the shift to warm matter shift, possible down to the EXACT CAR spot but I didn't get up and go look to see where the guy parked.
COLDER is the past
WARMER is the future
Matter moves faster the warmer it is, which is why I'm shifting my focus from cold to warm.
But back to Antarctica. I do a TON of SAVES with the words "ice water snow." These words will REWIND matter sets BACKWARDS!!! So if eyeballs start to grow out of your mouth for example, you can simple think the words "ice water snow" while looking at a shadow and run the eyeball growth BACKWARDS. I do these saves a LOT!!!
If you get it's all a matter wave set this makes sense. That slight bit of salt you just ate from your chips just connected you to a SALTY OCEAN!!!! These matter wave sets will shift in all directions and then there's no record of you as you shift from the hot water to the metal in the hot water element and burn alive.
But I'll SEE these drops to hell of matter wave sets and run saves on the drops with the words "ice water snow." Here imagine those words connects to a pointer in space with a view of ALL SNOW ON EARTH!!!! Now the matter waves shift BACKWARDS from harm, but sometimes they'll shift all the way back to the formation of EARTH!!!
The dinosaurs you saw are REAL dinosaurs from a cold matter wave set. The trick is to shift the matter wave sets with ABSOLUTE PRECISION.
Now that crypto is no longer safe. We simple rewind the matter wave of the crypto BACKWARDS to the original message with our precise cooling.
This is why Antarctica is so important to my micro Earth Team. There's SO MUCH COLD you can run stuff back ALL THE TIME!!!! And we simple dig down to warmth in the Earth to stay warm.
The past is COLDER
The future is WARMER

This guy's guide is pretty good.

If you look at this photo while you look inside a freezer, you'll create a matter route to Antarctica. GENIUS cold route.



Former deputy assistant secretary of labor at OSHA, Jordan Barab, says Amazon has twice the rate of serious injuries of any other similar employer in America.

“Ergonomic hazards, the pace of work and Amazon’s disciplinary system all work together to undermine worker safety,” Barab says.

“The speed at which we’re forced to work is causing serious injuries,” Crane says. “Amazon’s intense monitoring of our every move means we work in constant fear of getting written up or fired for not making our rate.” [source]


"I work outside with the planes and the only shade provided to us is under the airplane, or in vans where there’s not enough seating and the A/C is sometimes turned off," said Cynthia Ayala, an Amazon warehouse worker and member of the IEAWU. "Managers are prioritizing production over our safety."

Temperatures in the area reached a peak of 106°F last week, with daily temperatures lingering at well over 100°F. [source]


Three months ago they unionized. Now a strike by Amazon contract drivers is heating up 

EVERY one of these strikers needs to be FIRED. PERIOD!!! Striking hurts our union brand. 

The Teamster's announcement:

"Amazon delivery drivers and dispatchers went on strike today to demand the e-commerce giant stop its unfair labor practices." [source]

On June 11, 2019, CNBC ran "Amazon donates $8 million to fight homelessness in HQ cities Seattle and Arlington" Rather than spend Amazon money doing this, Jeff Bezos should direct a charity to look into homelessness. He needs a liason in the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

When we transition to Your Land Is Your Country, our tax equal partnership will tax ALL of the wealth of Jeff Bezos above what this tax equal partnership agrees to. Perhaps all above a million for all citizens.

Your Land is Your Country is such a simple world model. There are no laws. You join whatever group you want to join as an equal partner: local police, FBI, schools, roads, border patrol, the military, you name it. The groups that don't have enough people sign up to make their budget will have an opportunity to appeal to the website front page that manages the transition. This is a very simple world model. If you want to live on your land, eating food you grow and not join ANY group, that's your right. Your land is your own country. Laws go away. After the United States moves to this system the world will follow because it makes so much SENSE!!!

It might make sense to transition as a WORLD so no rich people are able to escape the TAX equal partnership that TAX all wealth above a million or whatever the tax group decides.  Once 80% of the world join this tax group, we take all wealth above our determined amound and distribute it to all.

Amazon Is Opening a Homeless Shelter at Its HQ a Year After Killing a Tax to Help the Homeless





Velomobiles need to be down where electric bikes are, like this Propella 7s, highlighted by Wired Magazine, for $799.00 with a 20-40 mile range.

Science Fiction / Fantasy Art


Cool Stuff

Labor Force Participation:  62.5%  ↓ Joe Biden's Approval:  39%   ↓ Biden:  43.8%   ↑   Trump:  44.9%   ↑ Senate :  Republicans Favored ...