Monday, August 7, 2023

 Unemployment: 3.5% ↓                 Joe Biden's Approval: 40% ↓



Unlit Earth BOOK Update

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Best of

Johann Sebastian Bach's handwritten personal copy of his Mass in B minor, held by the Berlin State Library, and added to UNESCO's Memory of the World Register. The Mass in B minor (completed in 1749) is widely regarded as one of the supreme achievements of classical music [1200x900]

The Wizard Nebula: Wingardium Leviosa

Waqrapukara - the Horned Fortress - Peru

Hamilton Pool Reserve, Dripping Springs, TX

Who eats the most meat

Olympus Om-2n, 28mm f2, Malcesine Italy

The Castle of St. Conan, Kirk, Scotland

Scout Lake Residence by Stephenson Design Collective [2048 x 1463] Scout Lake, Washington, USA

Highlight of 39% of the Population Who Can't Afford $400


The Wealthy   

215 miles x 215 miles Owned By One Person:

Gina Rinehart owns 12 million hectares. This is 46,332.26 square miles, or 215.25 miles x 215.25 miles if all her land was a square. [source]

If you want to live somewhere CHEAP
GDP  = Gross Domestic Product. "... a monetary measure of the market value of all the final goods and services produced in a specific time period by a country or countries." [source]
If you want to live somewhere for CHEAP. Here's a list of countries by GDP per capita
United States:  $80,034

now look at the bottom countries:
Malawi             $496
South Sudan     $467
Sierra Leone     $415
Afghanistan      $611
Burundi            $249


68% of Americans Want Marijuana Legal Updates

Astronomy Picture of the Day



Velomobiles and Electric Bikes / Scooters




Science Fiction / Fantasy

When Design Meets Science Fiction

Cool Stuff

GALLUP Poll: How important would you say religion is in your life?

Language Map of Ukraine

Google Images Search: Language Map of Ukraine

You see why Russia is running protection in Ukraine

Gamal Abdel Nasser brings Democracy to Egypt

Woman could vote for the first time in Egypt


Labor Force Participation:  62.5%  ↓ Joe Biden's Approval:  39%   ↓ Biden:  43.8%   ↑   Trump:  44.9%   ↑ Senate :  Republicans Favored ...