Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Unemployment: 3.8%          Joe Biden's Approval: 41.4% ↑     SenateRepublicans Favored To Win

                                            Biden: 43.8% ↓   Trump: 44.2% ↓   HouseRepublicans Favored To Win

Your Land Is Your Country: We'll transition to a system where your land is your country. Police, roads, schools, FBI, the military and all other government groups will all be transitioned to equal partnerships using online software. The same software will become an equal partnership business create tool. Global equal partnerships then drive all the large businesses out of business. ONE global car company for example. Lots of GLOBAL intelligence internal to this car company. And WE own this thing!!! As equals.

Documentary Video Share Project: Rough sketch: $10 a year with a $30 join fee. You tell me your TOP 3 documentaries of all time and I'll add some of those films to the library with money from people's $30 join fee, This will be a reserve your movies online and pick them up from me at a meet point. I'll transport all the reserved movies to some place where everyone shows up to change out their movies for a new one. This will build a GENIUS selection of people's TOP films. Tell me if you're interested.

Shared Housing Project: Super cheap shared housing. A big shared space where your space is an air conditioned pod. WITH a parking garage I priced this at $300 a month per head for 30 years. Then we own the thing as a group. Price will change. Tell me if you're interested.

Audio Shorts: Once Unlit Earth gets big, we'll introduce audio shorts. All your best stories.


Unlit Earth BOOK Update

No book updates.

Send me your AMAZON stories and get published! My model to keep this book going is $10 a year. All you $10 contributors will get an AD up on Unlit Earth.


Best of

The job that everyone wants

A surreal fall scene with Patagonia's iconic Fitz Roy. [2000x1333][OC] @mattymeis

New Subway Station in Moscow

ITAP of Manarola, Cinque Terre

Mars Rover Finds Ancient Debris Left by Flowing Water

We made it to 13 National Parks in the last calendar year

Project Gutenberg releases 5,000 free audiobooks using neural text-to-speech technology | Eventually, anyone might be able to listen to an audiobook in their own voice

Castle Bítov, Czechia

Antelope Canyon, Page, Arizona [OC] [3000x4000]

1000 units of low-cost housing built at a train station in South Africa

The mars-like scenery of the Tadraret rouge, Algeria.

Mount St. Helens. Photo by Jamel Bland


Historical temple in Ayutthaya, Thailand. [OC]

An picture i took with my Film Camera

The ancient city of Ayutthaya, Thailand [oc] 


Science Fiction


47% of Americans 'Agree With Ban On Slaughterhouses'

"...a total of 293.2 million cattle were slaughtered in 2020. While that number may sound staggering, it is in fact lower than the total number of sheep (590.5 million), pigs (1.5 billion) or chickens (more than 70 billion) slaughtered annually worldwide." [source]


39% of the U.S. Population Can't Afford $400

Number Of People Living In Extreme Poverty [source]

I bet the drop in extreme poverty is an effect of the large amount of money in control of the government due to the huge tax increase to pay for World War 2. Finally a democracy was in control of this massive amount of money, not just huge corporations. All this income to the government and THEN there's a constant reduction of poverty. I bet that's why. We finally had the resources to tackle huge issues as countries that participated in this war.

Yes, the ideal system is no taxes and equal partnerships. And we'll get to that. And it will be a simple matter to replace these MASSIVE corporations like Google with equal partnerships.

Google's revenue for 2002 was 282.84 billion. The population of Earth is 7.888 billion

$282.84 billion / $7.888 billion = $35.86 per person per year.

That's an EASY replacement. Schools, police, roads, and all the other agencies become equal parternships. The transition is a simple software transition. People join whatever group they want. If you would like to be an equal partner of the FBI, you join that group. If you would like to be an equal partner of roads, you join that group as well. If you're not an equal partner of roads and you want to drive on the roads, you have to pay a toll, because the equal partnership roads group created that system. Schools become better because we're owners of the schools.

Equal partnerships means all members are equal voting members of the groups. This is how all the agencies will become democratic. And to transition out of a world where little furorships run these businesses, like Bill Gates running Microsoft and Jeff Bezos running Amazon, the equal partnership transition software will also become an equal parternship BUSINESS create tool. And to replace Google with our own business that we control, we simply need every person on the planet to join at $35.86 per year.

If you want to live on your own land and grow your own food and pay no money to any equal partnership, you're free to do this. 


The Wealthy 

"There are around 2,600 billionaires in the world, according to Forbes, and these moguls are worth a combined $12.2 trillion." [source]

Mind Talent Stuff

I run a mind expect to best tune and I find DIXIE. So I listen to this song and the down emotion connects to a matter corollary of straight textbooks. A bunch of TEXTBOOKS! We all learned Lincoln saved slaves of the south. I don't see it this way any longer. Prisoners were shipped all over the world to build large projects. Why have labor sitting on their asses in prison. Why not put that labor to use! And people shipped prisoners all over the world. So I see nigs in the South as efficient labor, let loose by Abraham Lincoln the Indian Clearer.

"Beginning in 1863, the Lincoln administration oversaw the removal of the Navajos and the Mescalero Apaches from the New Mexico Territory, forcing the Navajo to march 450 miles to Bosque Redondo—a brutal journey. Eventually, more than 2,000 died before a treaty was signed." [source]

The civil war was 1861 to 1865, something like 60 years before women could vote in the United States. So what kind of people are at the TOP of an organization where woman are not allowed to vote? The WORST bros!!!

A modern corollary is Saudi Arabia that didn't allow woman to vote until 2015.

When we think of the build out of American, it's important to keep in mind 62% of modern prisoners are violent [source]. Another figure shows 47% of prisoners are violent [source]. 

15% or 157,000 prisoners are in for murder, in a prison population of 1,043,705. [source]

"In the early 1600s, via royal proclamation requested by the Virginia Company, England began the process of exporting thousands of vagrants and other criminals to the American colonies. Criminal law in England classified many violations as capital offenses, and under the threat of execution, prisoners awaiting trial usually agree to exportation. This flow of prisoners into the colonies included women and children, as well as adult males. In England both private companies and legal officials were authorized to apprehend and transport poor, law-violating persons to the colonies. In the colonies, such 'kidnapped' person were sold to masters to be used as servants and workers." [source]

"During the 1700s, it is estimated that one in four immigrants to colonial America from England was a convict." [source

The practice of exporting criminal law violators to colonial America was called "penal slavery." [source]

On a completely different topic: I love this idea of moving a car engine that experienced TOTAL HOT HELL as it's life to perfect climate control. Here corollaries of it become an intellect center with a LONG memory of BRUTAL pain as a car engine!!!!



Labor Force Participation:  62.5%  ↓ Joe Biden's Approval:  39%   ↓ Biden:  43.8%   ↑   Trump:  44.9%   ↑ Senate :  Republicans Favored ...