Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Unemployment: 3.8%                  Joe Biden's Approval: 40.5%

                                                     Biden: 44.1%    Trump: 43.5%


Your Land Is Your Country: We'll transition to a system where your land is your country. Police, roads, schools, FBI, the military and all other government groups will all be transitioned to equal partnerships using online software. The same software will become an equal partnership business create tool. Global equal partnerships then drive all the large businesses out of business. ONE global car company for example. Lots of GLOBAL intelligence internal to this car company. And WE own this thing!!! As equals.

Documentary Collection Project: Rough sketch: $10 a year with a $30 join fee. You tell me your TOP 3 documentaries of all time and I'll add some of those films to the library with money from people's $30 join fee, This will be a reserve your movies online and pick them up from me at a meet point. I'll transport all the reserved movies to some place where everyone shows up to change out their movies for a new one. This will build a GENIUS selection of people's TOP films. Tell me if you're interested.

Shared Housing Project: Super cheap shared housing. A big shared space where your space is an air conditioned pod. WITH a parking garage I priced this at $300 a month per head for 30 years. Then we own the thing as a group. Price will change. Tell me if you're interested.


Unlit Earth BOOK Update

No book updates.

Send me your AMAZON stories and get published! My model to keep this book going is $10 a year. All you $10 contributors will get an AD up on Unlit Earth.

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Mind Master Stuff

I figured out how to run electromagnetic horny all day. I can't figure out how to make it stop. You remember I also figured out how to cool how I feel by triangulating on snowflakes with videos. Basically you watch the first snow flake memory, then watch the next snowflake fall. All these memory sets are now seen together. All your snowflake fall memory sets. That's your conscious center. Imagine that snowflake as a pointer to ALL snow on the Earth, including more permanent snow of Antarctica. Your conscious center becomes colder and you'll feel colder. The room is 80 but it feels 72.

Well I did the same thing with electromagnetic horny and now electromagnetic horny runs all day and it's run straight for over a year.

I've mastered rolling matter waves forward and backward you remember. COLD is the past and WARMER is the future. And when I worked up at Glacier National Park you remember I would change my focus from cold to the warmth between two fingers to shift a full color matter wave forward in time. Warmer matter moves FASTER. So this shift in focus moves the recent memory FORWARD in time.  Thinking the words "snow ice water" will shift the matter waves into the past where a corollary matter wave slowed down.

So those drones that fly around. I'll think the words "snow ice water" and the drone will run BACKWARD in time and you'll see the thing run backward along the highway. Or a recent car passes by. Well "snow ice water" runs the matter wave corollary backwards in time and you'll see the past of the car. "Oh that car drove up from the South."

But back to electromagnetic horny. I figured out how to run this thing all day long and it's been running pretty much STRAIGHT for over a year. Well electromagnetic horny and by logical extension, ALL SEEDS, will replicate matter waves as part of their matter wave loop. Seed, tree, seed, tree as a loop. And this is my theory of lightning. Photons existing in between seeds are set to REPLICATE, gain strength and then STRIKE!!! Down at the bottom of the strike is a MAGNET formed by the strike. Magnets are set in a loop. If you think of magnets as just a part of the loop of seeds, their loop makes sense. These days magnets are created by running electriciy through molten metal. Then cooling the molten metal. The metal is now set in a loop.

But originally, people would have triangulated on lightning strikes to find them. Or NOT. Perhaps people just happened to dig them up. Or people were around a lightning strike and investigated the scorched Earth and dug around to discover WOAH!!! This thing atracts metal in the Earth to it. And the iron age begins.

But back to electromagnetic horny and by logical extension, ALL seeds. They're little loops. Tree, seed, tree, seed.

I noticed electromagnetic horny will replicate ANY matter wave. And it's only 30 iterations of doubling and you're at a BILLION!!! So the trick is to REWIND all the bad matter waves OUT of you with COLD. A PRECISE rewind team would rewind with absolute precision. But you can manually rewind by simply thinking the words "snow ice water." Ice water so you don't end up in a corollary vegetable, before it's COOKED!!! We want to end up in a corollary ICE CUBE rather than a pre oven vegetable in a freezer somewhere. So I'll think "snow ice water" with a shadow for the most cold possible and the bad matter wave is now set to REVERSE away.

So you can imagine a very talented group of matter wave pros doing this for EONS. The formula is simple. If bad, rewind backwards. Well pretty soon your rewind strategy becomes a seed that people discover CURES all kinds of illnesses or simply TASTES GREAT!!!! Well we require FOOD to live, so your seed as watermelon isn't just a cure, it's a IF I DON'T EAT THIS I DIE!!!!! But the watermelon is simply a rewind harm out of you result that is set to replicate through the world, until the OVEN comes along and NUKES your entire kind. But fi your kind is REALLY good, it would have countered the THOUGHT of sticking you in the oven by REWINDING the thought away!!!!

Then it's just a matter of how much cold do you have to REWIND harmful matter waves out of your seed. We don't want harmful matter waves replicating in our seed. So the more cold we have the BETTER!!! This is why Antarctica is so valuable. And micro Earth corollaies of me would have made Antarctica their country. That cold is SUPREMELY valuable to rewind all the harmful matter waves away!!!! Antarctica temperatures range from 50 F in the summer to below-40 in the winter [source]. The dark side of the Moon is even better. It's -397 F during summer and −413 F during winter solstice. [source]

And you can run mind expectts of PERFECT rewind team. Then your perfect mind rewind team becomes a thought shaping crew that shapes thoughts of the FUTURE by cooling the MOST heat within budget, to see the future.
WARMER is the future
COLDER is the past.
So how much can you cool down to see the MOST into the future to then thought shape the present with this view of the future.

But I noticed electromagnetic horny will replicate ANYTHING!!!! So the trick is to REWIND the bad away with COLD. And the DARK side of the Moon has the most cold, so imagine your rewind crew as a shadow orbit of the moon.

We want GOOD to replicate in seeds, not bad. It's only 28 iterations of doubling and you're at a BILLION!!!

1) 1 * 2 = 2
2) 2 * 2 = 4
3) 4 * 2 = 8
4) 8 * 2 =16
5) 16 * 2 = 32
6) 32 * 2 = 64
7) 128 * 2 =256
8) 256 * 2 = 512
9) 512 * 2 = 1024 THOUSAND!!!!
10) 2048 * 2 = 4096
11) 4096 * 2 = 8196
12) 8196 * 2 = 16384
13) 16384 * 2 = 32768
14) 32768 * 2 = 65536
15) 65536 * 2 = 131072
16) 131072 * 2 = 262144
17) 262144 * 2 = 524288
18) 524288 * 2 = 1,048,576 MILLION!!!!
19) 1048576 * 2 = 2,097,152
20) 2097152 * 2 = 4,194,304
21) 4,194,304 * 2 = 8388608
22) 8,388,608 * 2 = 16,777,216
23) 16777216 * 2 = 33,554,432
24) 33,554,432 * 2 = 67,108,864
25) 67,108,864 * 2 = 134,217,728
26) 134,217,728 * 2 = 268,435,456
27) 268435456 * 2 = 536,870,912
28) 536,870,912 * 2 = 1,073,741,824 BILLION!!!!

So we only want the BEST to replicate this fast! So my word sequence is "floral snow ice water." Over and over with a shadow. 

And words have to roll FAST. So for example when the word poop is played somewhere, we roll this to "cow field bag of ice water snow"

It's a QUICK roll of words so we connect to the BEST and only replicate the BEST as minds interact. Led becomes "led the way to ice water hielo bing snow"

"poop cow field bag of ice water snow"

"yellow pencil bag of ice water snow"

Here yellow is QUICKLy about a pencil in a STORE where there is ICE in bags and then we quickly connect to ALL SNOW ON THE PLANET with the word "snow."

They are VERY quick mind moves that MATTER because if we DON'T quickly roll the BAD into SOMETHING good it will REPLICATE and replication happens FAST!!!! 28 iterations of doubling and your bad matter wave is now a BILLION!!!! You're SURROUNDED BY BAD!!!

So we QUICKLY roll bad words into GOOD

Certain words are matter wave polluters and we detect the upcoming bad concept and SHAPE the word into a GOOD word and on to COLD so our system can REWIND the bad matter wave set to replicate!!!

There's no way to know this until you experience a good replication and then oh. But then there is no way to communicate back up to where you came from to say "HEY!!! THAT MIND TALENT IS RIGHT ON BRO!!!!"

How much cold do you have to REWIND bad matter waves? The more cold you have the more bad you can rewind. Then your rewind strategy is a FRUIT that tastes good. And if you're REALLY good you would have REWOUND the THOUGHT of sticking you as a FRUIT into the oven.

I theorize cancer, HIV and acne are ALL hot sets, set to replicate. And all they need is a COLD counter.

Entire PEOPLE and ANIMAL sets will join your system and become COMMENTERS on what you THINK and what you DO!!!! And the more COLD you have the more of these ANNOYIN people you can REWIND out of you!!!! Cold is SUPREMELY valuable.

I theorize if you live minority kind, surrounded by MEAN people, in electromagnetic horny growth to full person you become a MINORITY full intellect matter wave surrounded by these MEAN people. Well if you're outnumbered 4 to 1, what a HELL existence!!!! SNOW ICE WATER SNOW ICE WATER all day long as you sit SURROUNDED in the next creature build.

Antarctica Matter Route

Labor Force Participation:  62.5%  ↓ Joe Biden's Approval:  39%   ↓ Biden:  43.8%   ↑   Trump:  44.9%   ↑ Senate :  Republicans Favored ...