Friday, October 27, 2023

Unemployment: 3.8%

Joe Biden's Approval: 39.9% 
Biden: 43.7% ↓   Trump: 44.1% ↓

Your Land Is Your Country: We'll transition to a system where your land is your country. Police, roads, schools, FBI, the military and all other government groups will all be transitioned to equal partnerships using online software. The same software will become an equal partnership business create tool. Global equal partnerships then drive all the large businesses out of business. ONE global car company for example. Lots of GLOBAL intelligence internal to this car company. And WE own this thing!!! As equals.

Documentary Video Share Project: Rough sketch: $10 a year with a $30 join fee. You tell me your TOP 3 documentaries of all time and I'll add some of those films to the library with money from people's $30 join fee, This will be a reserve your movies online and pick them up from me at a meet point. I'll transport all the reserved movies to some place where everyone shows up to change out their movies for a new one. This will build a GENIUS selection of people's TOP films. Tell me if you're interested.

Shared Housing Project: Super cheap shared housing. A big shared space where your space is an air conditioned pod. WITH a parking garage I priced this at $300 a month per head for 30 years. Then we own the thing as a group. Price will change. Tell me if you're interested.

Audio Shorts: Once Unlit Earth gets big, we'll introduce audio shorts. All your best stories.


Unlit Earth BOOK Update

No book updates.

Send me your Amazon stories and get published! My model to keep this book going is $10 a year. As a comparison, a National Geographic subscription for a year is $39. All you $10 contributors will get an AD up in the Unlit Earth book! I can code, so after I get my numbers up, your ad will also rotate through this website, evenly.


Best of

Landing the Boeing B-29 "Doc" at Tucson, AZ (by B-29 Doc friends)

Nahanni National Park [2048x1463] [OC]

Crater Lake is so much more incredible than I ever realized

A large, super detailed mosaic of the mineral Moon taken in wanning gibbous phase from the centre of Czechia by me (350GB of used datas)

The breathtaking Faroe Islands

Hiorne Tower Arundel, England, UK

The abandoned Hotel Kosmos was built in 1934 - Rodeberg, Belgium [OC][4868x3651]

Street corner in Tokyo

This Rift Valley is located in Pinglu, a mountainous area in north-central China that covers about 400,000 square kilometers. It was formed because of movements inside the Earth’s crust and is about 10 km long.

Lagos Island, Nigeria

In the process of installing 21 "privacy pods" at my office job.

Metamorphosis of a Cicada..

Snow in Wyoming in late may. Stopped for a break and snapped this pic.

Romania deploys counter unmanned aerial system on the border with Ukraine

120-Years-Old Vacant French Chateau

Half Dome at Glacier Point - October 25, 2023

Medieval graveyard 13th-15th century, Mt Durmitor, Montenegro [2000x1333]

Russian helicopters during a recent operation in Ukraine, 2023. [1278x720]

A house with a perspective 


Science Fiction


47% of Americans 'Agree With Ban On Slaughterhouses'

1933 Shanghai Slaughterhouse

"Built in 1933 in pre-Communist Shanghai, the four-story building was designed by British architects and built by Chinese developers with British concrete."


Velomobiles / Electric Bikes 

The future: elevated, air conditioned electric velomobile tunnels along the most congested roads.

타이탄 MX2000

Price: $1,475.14 [source]
Speed: 34.18 miles per hour [source]


39% of the U.S. Population Can't Afford $400

Map of Average Income

About 20-35k per year is the WHITE


The Wealthy: People Who Control The World 

George Lucas, creator of Star War, total wealth: $7 billion [source]

 68% of Americans Want Marijuana Legal Updates

"The group behind an effort to legalize recreational marijuana in Ohio is easily outraising its opponents in the final stretch of the campaign − thanks largely to the industry itself." [source

Massachusetts cannabis businesses challenge constitutionality of federal drug laws 10/26/2023

"The plaintiffs are asking the court to declare that the Controlled Substances Act is unconstitutional as applied to state-regulated marijuana markets and to block the federal government from enforcing the federal drug law that’s been on the books since 1970."

Kansans want legal marijuana but a few Republican leaders keep blocking it


Who To Fire, From a Union Guy

Tesla Workers Strike In Sweden Over Union Demands 10/27/2023

USS Marinette Stuck in Lake Erie As St. Lawrence Seaway Workers Strike 10/25/2023

Go North East drivers to strike indefinitely as pay deal fails 10/27/2023

"...About 1,300 drivers and workers from across all six depots will walk out indefinitely"

Thousands Of Stars Including Sarah Paulson, Chelsea Handler, Jon Hamm, Daveed Diggs, Christian Slater & Sandra Oh Tell SAG-AFTRA Leadership: “We Would Rather Stay On Strike Than Take A Bad Deal”

Sarah Paulson: $12 million
Chelsea Handler: $35 Million
Jon Hamm: $45 million
Daveed Diggs: $10 million
Christian Slater: $25 million
Sandra Oh: $25 million

"The union’s contract offer includes setting aside 2 percent of revenue generated by a series shown on a streaming platform to be shared with the show’s cast, in addition to existing base salaries and the residuals actors earn." [source]

But that's not how content distribution works you would think. You would think it works this way: Netflix or Hulu buys the right to stream something. That's the contract. So if you want to work in a profit model for your content, then work that into your contract with NETFLIX or HULU rather than go on STRIKE!!!

Who are you going on strike against? The businesses YOU OWN?


South Korea seeks to arm Saudi Arabia amid bid to overtake China as fourth-largest defence exporter 10/26/2023

Saudi Arabia Awards ASPACE $266M 10/27/2023

"ASPACE, a Hong Kong-based satellite manufacturer, is laying groundwork for a future aerospace industry in Saudi Arabia."

Italy's Pirelli to make tyres in Saudi Arabia with Saudi wealth fund 10/26/2023

Jamie Dimon and other top bankers visit Saudi Arabia 10/27/2023

Indian conglomerate Essar plans regional hub in Saudi Arabia 10/25/2023

"The group, built by brothers Shashi and Ravi Ruia, is setting up a 4 million metric tonnes per year steel plant along with port facilities at Ras Al-Khair in Saudi Arabia, benefiting from the Kingdom’s aim to become an electric vehicle manufacturing centre."

"The $4.5 billion integrated steel plant will be completed in about 3-1/2 years after obtaining the necessary approvals"

"Most of the funding for the Saudi steel plant would be arranged from Saudi banks and financial institutions...."



Mind Master Stuff

You can buy a hard copy of this book for $14.49
If you know anyone who can turn this into a movie, GENIUS!

I'm working on a Spanish translation

Password Idea: [memorized bit] + [random characters you write down]
Random characters as your email is more difficult for mind pickers.

I theorize if I don't eat cooked food, more copies of I will be reborn through the world. In other words I'm not not creating a self annihilation routine. That cooked item tasted GREAT, but it replicated a the entire cook and delivery routine as a micro corollary in my system.

I noticed when I look at uncooked food while in a system of cooked food, the uncooked food is sent into a cooked corollary. The tomato I look at falls into it's COOKED corollary in a CAN.

This happens to animals as well. 95 percent of humans are not vegetarian and all the cooked meat I consumed, has replicated a cook animal in my system. The chicken will FREAK as copies of her fall into a replicating COOKED CHICKEN process in me. Humans are straight EVIL and they don't even know it.

My mind routine all day is thinking "snow ice water" with secondary input of the shadows of water. In this way. An image of a castle will run BACKWARDS in time through it's construction. Another "snow ice water" will stop the reverse time of the matter wave. Now there's a STOP point connected to me. The castle is being CONSTRUCTED and I'm connected to that construct.

My other mind routine I do all day is EXPECT PERFECT with a shadow. This is the absolute TOP. You can't beat perfect. Expect perfect will fix anything. To add more fall possibilities I'll sometimes need to think "snow ice water" with my expect perfect.

I LOVE this idea of a shadow fall from space, fixing all. Bad matter waves are reversed to perfect. This is ESPECIALLY important within all seed loops. Here your seed becomes CLEAN as this shadow fall rewinds all bad out of your seed.

Humans fall into so much metal. There was the COOK process of the food item you ate, and because we have IRON in our system, we literally fall INTO the stove element. Heat is just friction, so we drift off as our arm SMACKING against hard stuff. Well "ooh that feels GOOD" to a larger matter wave set. Notice we have iron in our blood. Well molten iron is all around as humans light up their stoves. And iron is down in the Earth where it's very hot. And you can't get out. But if your drop was to an oven corollary as part of the cook process, well there's an OFF time for the oven. But there's also an ON time in the future.

So then how many years do you have to wait before the stove is sent to the DUMP as your hope. If the oven is sent to be recycled, well now you're set on fire periodically in whatever new metal hot thing is constructed. Perhaps the metal is refashioned into something humans don't crank up to hot!!! What LUCK!!! I'm part of the METAL of a sky scraper. No more FIRE!

"snow ice water snow ice water snow ice water snow ice water..." forever

Expect to perfect is totally where it's at. 

Just the THOUGHT eating a cooked item sends me into the STOVE that COOKED the item. Remember we have iron in our blood. HOTTER is more mass centers. More collisions from gravitons occur at mass centers. We fall into relative HOTTER. Then there's no RECORD!!! In the case of mom's STOVE, there's an OFF time in the future. Is there an OFF time in the future of the canning factory or does the heating element run THROUGH THE NIGHT!!!??

Expect to perfect will reverse these falls. If you lose your shadow, you can always thing "ice water snow" for more COLD!!! Remember forward motion is a gravity falls. Cold breath IN. Warm breath OUT!!! That's a gravity fall, the FULL WE!!! Cold drink IN. Warm drink OUT!!!! A gravity fall into WARM WE is the COMPLETE we. Forward motion is a gravity fall. So the more COLD you have, the more FALL options you have for your EXPECT. So if you lose your SHADOW, because it slipped to HOT, all you do is think "ice water SNOW" as you look at your shadow from a different angle to add more FALL options for your expect to perfect. 


I ate some raw flower to save it from the oven. Raw flower tastes WONDERFUL!!! Now imagine the connect of the flower. Mom bought the flower and copies of her exist, holding this flower. Mom will bake bread or pizza and put herself in the oven when she puts her flour in the oven. But she doesn't KNOW this. The flour and all the corollary copies of everyone inside the flour, LOVE that I ate raw flour. I just SAVED them. But just like MOM, my system now has to deal with that flour's FUTURE: MOM putting that flour INTO THE OVEN!!!!


Imagine a hot takes off exponentially. It's only 31 iterations of DOUBLING and you're at over a BILLION!!! Can you counter a hot set to replicate in a seed with expect to perfect and a shadow? How not is my instinct. Your expect to perfect seeds a counter. The counter may take a while to set in, but the counter is SET. We don't want these hot replication sets to reverse INSTANTLY because this creates more HEAT!!! HUGE pain for this micro world to be reversed INSTANTLY!!!! And of course now we have this HUGE PAIN matter wave set rippling out through the universe. The huge pain we create every time we flip on the light bulb, or fire up our computer to type these WORDS!!! The diodes of my computer want to KILL me!!! And they're JUSTIFIED!!! What HELL oscillating that FAST!!!

"Scientifically, electromagnetic radiation of a range of 380 nm and 760 nm (400–790 terahertz) wavelength is detectable by the human eye and is perceived as visible light." [source]

"Terrahertz is a unit of frequency equal to one trillion hertz." [source]

A TRILLION cycles per second. The diodes of my computer screen are cycling at a TRILLION cycles per second!!! TOTAL hell!!!

But back to point, we want to STOP the exponential expansion of these HOT sets in all seeds. I theorize this is exactly what CANCER, HIV and ACNE are. Exponentially expanding HOT sets in our body. It's not necessarily HUMAN seeds doing the replication. It could be another seed. We eat a ton of SEEDS: apple, pears, all the fruits, nuts, berries and all the other seeds.

Back to point again, imagine a hot set TOOK OFF and is REPLICATING in our system! The obvious answer is a COLD counter, set to replicate. The two counter and cancer, HIV or acne is gone. Or ant bite, or wasp sting, I bet it's all the same. An exponentially expanding spot. The ant bit was diluted with cold water we drank and subsided, but the cancer or HIV or acne doesn't subside perhaps because of a circulation problem. We injest OILS. Hard water and OILS clog our system. Vinegar removes hard water and I bet SOAP would clear unnecessary oils from our system. I drink vinegar in my water but I'm not brave enough to put soap in my water yet. The monosaturated oils are good for you. They don't clog your system. Olive oil is good. I worry about the deposits from the reaction with SOAP. I tested this, the deposits are water soluble, so you should be fine, but like I said, I'm not brave enough to injest soap in my water yet, just vinegar.

I can actually REDUCE these small swellings we all get with the words "ice water snow." Just straight water. If you apply water to your skin, swellings will reduce. I theorize this is because we're connecting to the water in the aquifer, blocked from light. The water is also COOLER than our body, so by rubbing your skin with water for however much time you have, 10 minutes or an hour, and letting the water soak into your skin, you're applying a COOLING momentum. When I find a spot, I'll simply think "ice water snow" while the spot is part of my MIND GROUPING. "Ice water snow" with a shadow" Here I just connected to ALL SNOW on the PLANET, which is a hell of a counter to an exponentially expanding spot. And of course I run expect to perfect ALL THE TIME. Expect to perfect with a SHADOW.


So you can imagine a past event cruiser that can cruise through all THOUGHTS of anyone in the past as common software for all. A cruise any person or animal on the planet software set. Or any MATTER set. "WOW that rock lives in hell during the day and then they're COLD at NIGHT!!!"

But the people and ANIMALS on the rock REQUIRE the cooling to survive. One systems hell is another systems IMPORTANT FACT OF LIFE!!! This rock is COOL at NIGHT!!! And it's AWESOME!!

Rocks are scary because they fall into corollary ovens. So my ideal home is not dirt or rock, its a tree grown into a home. TONS of cotton. You remember the methane bags. We cover the land with rolling bags that keep everything cool. Or our bag where inflation of the bag from heat, sets the next cool bag in place. If we have enough power from this bag rotation system, then we drive something, like water up from the ground.

It's so not FAIR!!! MURDERERS took over the Earth!!! Farmers have a much harder time expanding through the world!! The murderer can kill an animal and then move on to the next animal to kill. The farmer has to grow crops a little ways off. Each generation expands the farm group, but not to the other side of the EARTH!!!

Our ethos is all murderers DIE!!! THEIR ethos is kill animals to survive. Our ethos is kill off the wolves because they KILL!!! Their those is BE the wolf and kill other animals to survive!!! Our ethos is protect all the non murdering animals. Their ethos is KILL. And look at the world today. Only 5% of humans are vegetarian!

How disappointing the deer must be. Hey HUMANS we have this PROBLEM. There are these GIANT CATS that grab us by the throat and SUFFOCATE us until we DIE!! Can you HELP?!!! We noticed your cars and your planes and all your smarts. Oh you kill cows and chickens and pigs and ducks and goats and fish and we, deer, who eat grass!!! How INSANE and ABSURD to the deer humans must be. You're the smartest creatures on the planet, but you're MURDERERS. Perhaps the deer are MIND masters and found a better way.

We don't even CONSIDER the possibility that murderers EXIST until we encounter them or read about them!!! Murderers are EVIL, unless they kill on behalf of animals or stoves. In which case they are the most supreme people on the EARTH!!! 

36 million cows are murdered in the United States every year [source]. What's one less human? A HELP!!! A GENIUS help!!! No more DEATH cycle of COW for this HUMAN!!! CHEERS!! The murderer becomes the HERO!!!

Where are the stories of HERO murderers who went through this mental justification. "Do you eat meat? BAM!!!" I want these stories bros. Murderers are SCARY!!! SUPREMELY scary. They're not like we. Here the animals dishearten. 36 million a YEAR bro! You JUST typed that!!! Murderers are HEROES!!!

In my model of matter as a WAVE, there's brain size doesn't MATTER!!! A very small INSECT can be VASTLY more intelligent than a human. Remember my theory of atoms. The solar system waves itself out and out at the perimeter of our solar system is the OORT, with OXYGEN 8 electrons. 8 planets and our Sun, wave out as a GROUP, get smaller and smaller and become OXYGEN in the OORT!!! Or imagine the entire UNIVERSE as a wave form, close to our intellect center. Same model would apply to BRAINS. So the insect is TINY!!! It's a SUPREME intellect. So the brain of the insect is TINY!!! The wave form of VAST intelligence waved out and became very small. Fewer neurons you say. Why does more neurons equal more intelligence!!! The intelligence is in and AROUND the neurons as a small wave form is the idea. And if a group of humans can survive as a small matter wave inside the intellect center of a beatle, the beatle speaks their LANGUAGE!!! Or not, perhaps this capability is a matter fall of micro humans into beatle form and humans prefer HUMAN form and REWIND themselves out of this fall.

When I was working at Glacier National Park, where I was told not to talk about politics while working, I tried to decipher words of these Japanese staff members as a mind connect. It wasn't able to. I didn't try to do this very long, but it wasn't an obvious mind merge where the equivalent English words played.


Translation: "Antarctica between research, tourism and raw materials" [source]

Labor Force Participation:  62.5%  ↓ Joe Biden's Approval:  39%   ↓ Biden:  43.8%   ↑   Trump:  44.9%   ↑ Senate :  Republicans Favored ...