Thursday, December 28, 2023

 Labor Force Participation: 62.8% ↑

Joe Biden's Approval: 39.1% ↑ 
Biden: 43.8% ↓   Trump: 45% ↓

Your Land Is Your Country: We'll transition to a system where your land is your country. Police, roads, schools, FBI, the military and all other government groups will all be transitioned to equal partnerships using online software. The same software will become an equal partnership business create tool. Global equal partnerships then drive all the large businesses out of business. ONE global car company for example. Lots of GLOBAL intelligence internal to this car company. And WE own this thing!!! As equals.

Documentary Video Share Project: Rough sketch: $10 a year with a $30 join fee. You tell me your TOP 3 documentaries of all time and I'll add some of those films to the library with money from people's $30 join fee, This will be a reserve your movies online and pick them up from me at a meet point. I'll transport all the reserved movies to some place where everyone shows up to change out their movies for a new one. This will build a GENIUS selection of people's TOP films. Tell me if you're interested.

Shared Housing Project: Super cheap shared housing. A big shared space where your space is an air conditioned pod. WITH a parking garage I priced this at $300 a month per head for 30 years. Then we own the thing as a group. Price will change. Tell me if you're interested.

Animal Sanctuary Equal Partnership: We purchase land and animals set to me slaughtered. Sign up!

Audio Shorts: Once Unlit Earth gets big, we'll introduce audio shorts. All your best stories.

Film Distribution: Films free to anyone, downloaded with Bittorrent, supported by an AD as part of the film

Best of Mind Talents and Altered Reality: Equal profit on this book. Everyone's BEST idea, becomes a book.

Best Bar Bands: Free Music Compilation of the BEST Bar Bands on the Planet.

Fired For An Email To Jeff Bezos

Unlit Earth Equal Profit BOOK and T-Shirt that might get you fired.

Summary of what happened to me:

I write Jeff Bezos an email containing this line:

to: Jeff Bezos
date: Feb 13, 2022, 7:37 PM

"People should not be at the emotion of "murdering their managers" and senior people in the business."

Then on Feb 24, 2022 I'm summoned to HR where Loss Prevention voices concern about this line. Loss Prevention, 2 members of HR and the General Manager are all in the meeting. I'm sent home. Then I'm fired by email for the line:

from: Scott, Cameron, Senior HR
date: Mar 2, 2022, 10:43 AM

"This notification is to inform you that due to your substantiated violation of Amazon’s Workplace Violence policy the company will be proceeding with termination of your employment. The termination is effective immediately and your badge is no longer active. This decision was made in consultation of Loss Prevention, and Sr. Human Resource Partnership."

This happened in a town who's police told me "that's not my job" when I called to report automatic gunfire.

There are examples of real violence that are quite serious, like these:

Amazon Worker In Joliet Pulls Loaded Gun On Coworkers: Joliet Police

Hitman testifies ex-Amazon Mexico CEO paid him $9K to kill wife

At another facility my manager told me not to talk about unionizing while working. This manager was later berated by Human Resources of the facility.

When I worked for Pursuit, a business that manages lodges in Glacier National Park, I was told not to talk about politics.

from: Gary Rodgers, VP and General Manager, Pursuit's Glacier Park Collection.
date: Wed, Sep 8, 2021 at 10:27 AM

"You are welcome to have political or ideological discussions on your own time; however, I fully support not allowing these wide-ranging topics be part of the safe and comfortable workplace environment we work to create and maintain."

The ACLU did not care to respond to me.


Everyone's work story becomes a book we all share the profit of.



Best of

Flying to Delhi without knowing Hindi

Too broke to travel, so I look for beauty in the ugly dystopian city

Crossing the Pont Victoria Bridge… is it always this scary?

Death Valley has a lake now!

Anji Khad Railway Bridge, Jammu & Kashmir, India

South of Guayaquil- Ecuador. Almost no green places into city. One of the most dangerous places in South America.

The old vs. the new

Philippines trip

Geographic diversity of Croatia

Metallic model of the Mehrangarh Fort, Jodhpur, India (placed at the entrance of the fort). 2 pics

Windsor castle, England

Production of ice blocks

Two-wheeled self-balancing gyroscopic car from 1967


Science Fiction 

The Sci-Fi Art of Ahmed Aldoori aka Medders

47% of Americans 'Agree With Ban On Slaughterhouses' 

Velomobiles / Electric Bikes 

The future: elevated, air conditioned electric bike tunnels along the most congested roads.

Range: 50 miles
Cost: $1,699.00


39% of the U.S. Population Can't Afford $400 

The less money you have, the more likely you are to be a Democrat. [source]

The Wealthy: People Who Control The World 

The more money you have, the more likely you are to be a Republican. [source]

Gil Gadot: $40 million

Salma Hayak: $200 million


Mind Master Stuff

You can buy a hard copy of this book for $14.49 
If you know anyone who can turn this into a movie, GENIUS! Altered Reality
Become a contributor of Best of Mind Talents and Altered Reality. Another equal profit book.

I'm working on a Spanish translation

Password Idea: [memorized bit] + [random characters you write down]
Random characters as your email is more difficult for mind pickers.

How to leak: use a go between. "Hey I need you to mail this for me." Someone you don't know.


Running your zone all day long straight can drive you MENTAL! The more non allies around the more they join your mind! Every photo you look at joins your mind. And these people are not up to par. YES, we are just a matter fall, so they are not deciding to say the wrong things. They are a matter fall. The more COLD you have, the more you can REWIND them out of you.

Every word you think we become. If you listen to a BBC story about an executioner, you end up with a noose around your neck. If you listen to music, the musician joins your mind. And NO ONE knows proper mind strategy as a general rule. Every word you think you become. So what do you want to live in forever? There is ONLY good. FLOWERS, ICE, SNOW.

Would you like to live as a star? A SUPER hot pained thing? NO, we want to live in perfect temperature in perfect temperature. If you think the word stove you burn alive, so you have to quickly counter that word with "ice water snow." Why ice water? So our snow matter corollary doesn't end up inside a  VEGETABLE before the STOVE!!! We don't want to BURN ALIVE, so we think "ice water snow" and fix all incoming bad words into GOOD words. Poop is incoming, so we make this cow poop in a field. Shark is incoming and we don't want to be eaten by sharks so we think mountain snow. The snow rewinds the SHARK. There's LOTS of it on Earth. The word SNOW connects to ALL the snow on the Earth, but we don't want to end up in a cold corollary of a frozen vegetable so we think "ICE WATER." Ice water doesn't end up as a COOKED thing. We don't want to burn alive. YELLOW is incoming so we make this yellow PENCIL and then we get to SNOW as fast as possible by thinking bag of ICE water SNOW. Why ice WATER? because people hear EYES when we think ice and ice water is a better vowel structure that forms the concept we want. ICE in the store, then on to SNOW of the EARTH. We do this FAST and we do this ALL DAY! Ice water snow ice water snow and roll words that go bad places into GOOD places. People think FLOUR when we think flower. We don't want to live in something that's heading toward the ovens so we have to think FLORAL, and tulip and daisies then on to ice water SNOW so we don't burn alive.

We're still BREATHING, so we still need a TON of snow ice water matter corollaries. I theorize breathing is not for the Oxygen but for the COLDER within Oxygen matter wave corollaries. Here forward motion is the AIR before it enters us, warmed by us. Gravity is a fall to HOT and this is exactly what the COLD air is doing. It's falling INTO us, as a gravity fall.

But people don't know all this stuff and they'll spawn in you as full intellects without any knowledge of these mind moves as  REPLICATING set. A REPLICATING inferior FUCK that needs to be REWOUND out of you with COOLING momentum. In micro Earth world this is SIMPLE!!! In our country of Antarctica we simply move our focus to the COLD we have in Antarctica and what would have replicated BAD is now set in a REWIND motion. 

It's a simple thing, but as people spawn in you as you listen to music or look as photos or read a book or watch television or take a walk, these are not their instincts. Every word you think you BECOME! And it happens very QUICKLY!!! People don't know to LIE by mind all day. People don't know to have NO LOCATION to have FAKE NAMES and FAKE occupations. People don't know to instantly make BAD about fictitious characters so the words don't describe people in LIFE!!! People don't have these skills we have.

Every thought and action replicate FOREVER!!! So what do you want to live in forever? Well FLOWERS inside a matter corollary that doesn't slip into a STOVE where you BURN ALIVE!!! So the mind routine is snow ice snow ice water snow ice water snow ice water snow ice water snow ice water and all bad words roll into good words.

And expect to perfect with a shadow, where you'll connect to the best in the universe. You can imagine enough expect to perfect shapes your intellect. We become everything you think, so only good thoughts.

This is my system. Straight shadow and "snow ice water snow ice water snow ice water."

People don't know this is not a conversation. This is related matter wave to related matter wave and your own expect.

I have a huge fault in my system where those that have joined my system over years think words I think end to me. So if I think "don't hurt me" the words play "don't hurt me Caleb." This proceeds on to "what did he do to you?"



Antarctica Matter Route

Split Iceberg, Weddell Sea, Antarctica

Labor Force Participation:  62.5%  ↓ Joe Biden's Approval:  39%   ↓ Biden:  43.8%   ↑   Trump:  44.9%   ↑ Senate :  Republicans Favored ...