Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Labor Force Participation: 62.5% ↓

Joe Biden's Approval: 38.7% 
Biden: 43.5%     Trump: 44.9% 

Your Land Is Your Country / Equal Partnerships

We'll transition to a system where your land is your country. Police, roads, schools, FBI, the military and all other government groups will all be transitioned to equal partnerships using online software. The same software will become an equal partnership business create tool. Global equal partnerships then drive all the large businesses out of business. ONE global car company for example. Lots of GLOBAL intelligence internal to this car company. And WE own this thing!!! As equals. 

Radio Station / Film Studio:

$10/ per year. You must be politically aligned LEFT! Democrats, Socialists, Communists. You must be aligned with THIS group. This radio station equal partnership will play SMALL bands of the world. All music will be available for download for FREE. Supported by ONE very short brand spot of a few seconds that plays periodically through the day, so the entire city learns ONE BRAND and doesn't change the channel. Something like 3 seconds, then back to music!!! Become an equal partner of this radio station / film studio at $10 a year. (Democrat, Socialist, Labor, Green, Communist allied)



Best of Reddit.com

Found on tiktok

What am abomination. Any idea what this car was?

Calm Early Morning Twilight at Mount Fuji, Japan [OC](1463x1800)

Nor'easter + no cars + Boston brownstones = *chefs-kiss*

Boxing Day 2023 [Intrepid 4x5 | Fujinon W180/5.6 | Kodak Portra 160]

Tennessee Club, now Attorney Offices, Memphis, Tennessee, 1906 -> 2019

Bethlehem Steel - Blast Furnace

Gdańsk, Poland

The Aul, Kazakhstan

Atomic Camper

After and before of a deck we did last year. The old one was falling apart, old posts were sunk with no footings and very rotten. Complete tear down, new everything. Fully wraps the house, about 1600sf of surface.

Pratt town, Kansas, early 20th century

This Tribe Got Their “Land Back.” But It’s No Longer Livable. | The Timbisha Shoshone are legally permitted to live in Death Valley National Park. But the vegetation vital to their traditions and livelihoods is dying.

TV Tower, Serbia

Tiny house in Belgium.

Andrew Wyeth, Northern Point, 1950 [1800x3566]

Snowy Washington Street in Boston, Massachusetts.

Great, they moved the fucking sound barrier again

Driving the first ever car from 1886 that was built by Mercedes-Benz

Some photos I took in the Buffalo area over the last few days

There is a chicken hiding in this photo

One of my favorite shots of WeeWoo, my 92' Toyota Hiace ambulance camper and full-time home

Lakeside residence using timbers from the old family barn with views of Donner Lake and the surrounding Sierra Nevada Mountains, California [6720x4017]

In Iraq / Afghanistan, did the PTDS's (aerostats) need bullet holes to be patched on them frequently?

DeTomaso P72 [1080x1350]

Architecture question. What is this called?

Post Snowstorm in Central NY [OC] [2800x1825]

All aboard the Earthship!

Thor's Helmet [Image Credit & Copyright: Ritesh Biswas]

Here imagine this large system as a matter wave corollary, STUCK at a slower pace relative to it's corollaries that are very small inside us. You can run these system BACKWARDS in time just with the words "snow ice water"

1988 Italdesign Aztec - An Audi-powered Porsche-gearboxed mid-engined vision of the future that you could buy and drive in public with. If you had 1 Million German Mark lying around. Approximately 18 were made.

The Attic

USS Enterprise (CVN-65) passing under the Golden Gate Bridge, 1985. [2048x1552]

Reimagined Kingdom of Goguryeo(37 BC – 668 AD) era buildings built for period dramas in Ondal Tourist Park, Danyang County, North Chungcheong Province, South Korea.

[smiley faces]

Snow Canyon, Utah [OC] (4000x3000)

2023 was the hottest year on record — by a long shot



Science Fiction 

The Astonishing CG Art of Toni Bratincevic


Velomobiles / Electric Bikes 

The future: elevated, air conditioned electric bike tunnels along the most congested roads.


Range: 50 miles
Cost: $500.00



Mind Master Stuff
You can buy a hard copy of this book for $14.49

If you know anyone who can turn this book into a movie, GENIUS!

Become a contributor of Best of Mind Talents and Altered Reality. Another equal profit book.

I'm working on a Spanish translation

Password Idea: [memorized bit] + [random characters you write down]
Random characters as your email is more difficult for mind pickers.

How to leak: use a go between. "Hey I need you to mail this for me." Someone you don't know.

We live FOREVER. So it's SUPREMELY important to only think GOOD words. The problem, we are FORCED to hear bad words. And in SEEDS, these bad words will replicate very quickly. Imagine you're a center and everyone hears every word you think. You ARE this center. You've ALWAYS been this center.

Floral because flower is interpreted as FLOUR which travels into the OVEN, so we SNOW ICE WATER just off the word OVEN, SNOW, ICE WATER, floral snow ice water floral snow ice water [incoming: poop] cow field bag of ice water snow. Ice WATER because ice is interpreted as EYES and eye water is interpreted as ice water as a syllabic structure which connects to COOLING momentum, then off to all the world's snow with the world SNOW. And we live FOREVER so every words matters. Every word you think CREATES that concept for your audience as you are a center. So only good words. We live forever. So we want to live in GOOD words forever.

Forever means trillions and trillions of years. That's extremely scary. But imagine the more instances of snow ice water in your system the more a spot up high above you that connects to all the snow on the Earth is connected to, where up in this very SOLID point above you that connects to all snow on Earth. Up in this point that connects to all snow on Earth is your REWIND team that rewinds all the bad. 

So my word flow runs snow ice water snow ice water and bad words are rolled into good concepts:

[poop] cow field
[yellow pea]s and brocolli bag of ice water snow
[oven] snow ice water
[led] the way to snow ice water
[yellow] pencil bag of ice water snow
[poop] cow field bag of ice water snow ice water
[yellow] pencil bag of ice water snow ice water snow ice water

All bad words need a quick subject because all words are matter centers interpreted as what they are. They will FORM as a matter wave. So we only want GOOD words. And we're SUPER diplomatic. If bad description of person, it's a person in a book. A fictional one. Because if it's not a fictional book, the actual people the book is about will be offended and we drift into ALL the ire of these people and ALL their allies. Now all this ire replicates through all our seeds: apple, pear, or more generally, all forward life systems. The celery you ate has a forward motion of celery seed and the next celery crop unless you cook the celery. Snow ice water. Here you only get the SUN side of a forward motion celery. The oven heat correlated with the heat of the SUN!!!! Well we like a lot of FOOD in our system, so we don't COOK anything. That apple had a forward fall of apple seed and the next apple tree. We LOVE having these fruits in our body in uncooked form because in these micro matter waves that means our crew can GROW APPLES!!!!! Plus cooking is straight evil for all the micro Earth matter waves inside the apple and the oven. Snow ice water. [poop] cow field bag of ice water snow [yellow] pencil bag of ice water snow [poop] cow field bag of ice water snow [poop] cow field bag of ice water snow.

I like this cow mind move off the incoming word that we don't control because it gives our system a TON of empathy for cows. An animal group humans kill on an order of MILLIONS every year. Our team does a protect of animals we can't protect all, but our team kills off all the murdering animals. Not all animals that you would think are murdering animals are murderers. I'll find squirrels in acorn because they live in trees. And I'll find panther in banana. Their claws are GREAT for climbing up into fruit trees!!! Then humans come along and eat their banana crop!!! Our crew is non murdering animals and all murdering animals are REWOUND out of existence. Within replication electromagnetic zone of animals. The electromagnetic. Imagine all these predators REWOUND with cooling. Our cooling IN of a new drink of water and a new breath of cold air becomes a REWIND of these murdering animals until they no longer replicate!!!

Antarctica has TONS of cooling. Plus it's an ISLAND of DIRT, not just ICE. So Antarctica is one of my micro Earth countries. We also do desert saves. We become the plants that pop up in the desert. The Earth doesn't want to be 133 F, so these hot Earth save teams are GENIUS for the ground bros. The ground LOVES us. We roll in with our system that shades the ground in a way where our shade never passes pain threshold of 122 F and the ground LOVES us!!!! These moves become EPIC songs. We become the SAVIOR group of humans.

But just being an animals with good climate control of 98.6 is a HUGE move for micro matter ground corollaries that reached 133, touched human foot, or bird food at 105 and become straight solid 105. WOW!!!! What a shift!!!! I was in COMPLETE hell every day. And then it was cold at night. We straight solid 105 now. AND we're flying around!!! HUGE move of this conscious matter set.

This word play becomes the immune system: "I'm sitting on a snow bank ice water." Ice water so our snow is inside ice cubes rather than something in freezer that heads to the oven. Snow ice water. It's snowing.

"I'm sitting on a snow bank. Ice water."

These word sequences become the immune system. Our rewind crew up high become the immune system. The ultimate immune system is transforming the universe to straight pleasant!!!! ALL of it bros!!!!

We can see the past back to any past. The past is in COLDER. The future is in WARMER. Warmth and matter waves speed up. Cold slows them down. So the past is all around. Your system sees the past, but there's no way to transfer this information back up to where you came from. YOU!!! The words snow ice water are not only survival, they are portals to the past!!!! In the past, matter waves SLOWED DOWN in cold. So the words "snow ice water" connects you to this past of everything.

Ultimately there's no berate. There's just be the better. In seeds the bad will replicate so you need a rewind team to rewind the bad out of you or the bad will REPLICATE in you. All seeds are replicators.

It's be what you want with out being instructor and you as your logic set and your good mind moves are imitates because you become a fragment of they!!! Their better self. I'm not perfect. I go straight anger sometimes. I'm a very calm person. I'm an extremely KIND person. But I don't live with snow all around. So it's very hard for me to REWIND the bad out of me sometimes!!!! PLUS I live on the same property as 4 MEAN people. They outnumber me. Surround yourself with allies or the MEAN people will literally REPLICATE inside you. You remember I mastered electromagnetic horny. Just this word sequence is a hell sender. Sorry. I had to transmit this knowledge to you. My mind runs "horn of cow" to disguise the word. Just the same gender in horn of cow will drive you mental!!!! It's not even our mental!!! All the anti fag laws bros. I've found in this electromagnetic zone with the same gender. Not just the same gender. your FATHER as a replicating thing inside you, staring at your head, then licking your ear, can drive you INSANE. It's not DAD choosing to lick his songs ear. His genetics did this act perhaps. Or his body is correlated as doing this. But these people we don't like will LITERALLY join your system. They'll cheer opposite politics on. Just a book by Dulles, replicated the WRONG dude in my system!!!! But it's two way. Dulles handed over his brain when he wrong the book. That book of his is a portal to his brain. The wrong people replicating in your system will drive you INSANE!!! I LOVE Richard Feynman, but Richard Feynman is a man. So I start reading his book and it just doesn't work. I need CONSTANT women voices all day. Then I have to alter their voices away from the unpleasant sequences into pleasant sequences. We live FOREVER!!!! So how do you want to live? Well we want to live HAPPY as these matter wave copies of us that are created EVERY DAY!!!!

It's simple. Snow ice water all day every day with a shadow gives you a GENIUS rewind team. Shared sound zones are huge hells without this rewind team. Your parents who are WONDERFUL and let you live in their home because it's hard to find a job but also are MEAN because they DO NOT CARE for this AMAZING skill you've attained of mind MASTERY and flat out DENY electricity runs in brains as dad and brother. The same brother who would feed mice to his reptile. The same dad who killed a chicken because the chicken was annoying. Mom pulls a lie and now says she thought I was saying brain electricity is the same as electricity in the wall. HO, electricity is electricity dope. To this day dad and brother don't care to Google "electricity brain" to check their inaccurate view of this basic FACT!!!! Brother's bitch has a problem with leaning in to get some water while she's washing dishes. You know how smooth restaurants run? We're in and around each other. "I'm BEHIND YOU" and "COMING THROUGH" so we all know who's around. No accidents. A simple "pardon me" as we lean in from the side to get some water. PLENTY of room for this bitch but it's to much for her. ALL of them breed in my mind bros!!!! They are a HUGE job to rewind!!! ALL shared audio sets like mom and dad watching television is a HELL zone without these rewind teams!!!! It gets better. THEIR voices then become these super intelligent voices about all kinds of things they know nothing about. And because these four are DOPEY and MEAN, if I open my mouth to their 4 ears, my voices becomes COMPLETE DOPEY MEAN!!!!! Their minds form my voice into idiotic mean while my mind forms their voices into GENIUS, SUPER KIND!!!! So you'll hear them from afar altered into super diplomatic, super suave, super mind move, super intelligent. They're NOT!!!! 3 of them denied electricity runs in their brain. When I ask one of my sisters to back me up, she tells me she's not sure about electricity and no she'll not tell mom and dad and brother electricity runs in the brain. That's a SIMPLE request. Kind people work that into their schedule. Basically my ENTIRE immediate family are unkind. And these unkind people have lived around growing up. They've become part of my system. They're a HUGE project to REWIND out of me!!!!

Sister get's fired. "NO WAY!!! I feel like setting a tire on fire in the parking lot of your business." You know how we get angry when we hear people wronged. Same sister: "Maybe your manager had a reason" when I tell her how we're mistreated at the Alamo Drafthouse on 6th street. Really bitch. Were you listening to me? Do you remember when you asked me to help your boyfriend with his website? You remember all that free work I did for him?  You remember when you got fired? You remember how angry I was that they fired you?"

Really brother, do you remember when you were sent to disciplinary school? You remember all the defending I did for you dope? You remember I paid $2000 of the $3000 of the first car you bought that you wrecked? You remember how I covered your rent in Austin? You remember I read the school rules literally ALL DAY as a defense of them sending you to disciplinary school?

These mean people LITERALLY replicate in your brain as ANTI YOU!!!!! So surround yourself with allies or you breed people you don't want in your brain. My sisters and brother and mom and dad are who I grew up with. So copies of them are all in me. They're a hell of a project for our team to REWIND the fuck of us. 

Snow ice water snow ice water and rolling bad into good words with a shadow all day every day gives you good rewind team. Snow ice water as words thought every second of every day. And rolling bad words into good words builds yourself a GENIUS rewind team up at the matter wave point where all snow is seen. Ice water so we don't end up in a freezer pre oven. Snow ice water with a shadow all day every day, forever because we don't want to burn alive and we still feel gravity pulling us down, which according to my theory of matter is simply a matter wave grouping of faster and faster matter waves. We'd rather freeze than burn alive so we think snow ice water snow ice water every second of every day. Plus you get to see the past. You'll love that strategy. But do what you want. Whatever makes you happy.

I REALLY hate mean people.

I discovered photo will recreate the full matter wave set. I can smell floral snow ice water. I can smell flowers when I look at a photograph of a flower. A matter wave of the flower is recreated. So when you take your publicity shots, if you spend a TON of time and capture yourself RIGHT at a peak laughter point for example, you transfer that full matter wave of that's HILARIOUS to all your viewers. These photos are EXTREMELY important for your success. I could probably force you to laugh. I run these laughing mind expects where I turn sounds into HILARIOUS sequences that make people all the way to the horizon laugh hysterically. So all you do is create these sequences while you have a camera pointed at you with a remote switch. RIGHT at peak laughter you snap the photo and present that to the world. Now the world is introduced to your LAUGHING intensely self. These are SUPREMELY important photos we present to the world and not everyone knows this. We also just EXUDE kind. So our average self is PURE GENIUS for the world if you're like that. I haven't tested this laughing mind expect photo create, but it's something I will do if I remember. I don't have money to do all these projects right now. I look REALLY good. I need a girl to buy me these toys. She'll LOVE me bros!!! I expect she'll start hearing altered reality. 



Antarctica Matter Route


Translation: "Антарктида" [source]

Labor Force Participation:  62.5%  ↓ Joe Biden's Approval:  39%   ↓ Biden:  43.8%   ↑   Trump:  44.9%   ↑ Senate :  Republicans Favored ...