Friday, July 28, 2023


Unlit Earth BOOK Update

If you know anyone who works at Amazon, that's what this book is about.

Best of

Global Surface Air Temperature

Abandoned Building Standing Above a Lake

The Unique Architecture of the Dutch

Watercolor and gouache texture study

Yet Another Sketchbook Page For You



Highlights of 39% of the Population Who Can't Afford $400

Homelessness art Stock Photos and Images

Street Art: Take Home a Homeless Person



68% of Americans Want Marijuana Legal Updates

Astronomy Picture of the day


Transitioning to "Your Land Is Your Country" 

We're going to transition our country to "your land is your country" where schools, roads, police, FBI, and all the other wonderful agencies become equal partnerships. It will be a simple software transition. We'll simply sign up as equal partners for whatever former agency we want to be an equal member of.

The software that transitions everyone will also become an equal partnership BUSINESS build system we'll use to build Google and Amazon replacements as INTERNATIONAL equal partnerships for economies of scale. If you're Japan for example, you're NEVER outvoted by the world as equal members of this Google replacement, for example. ALL knowledge MUST be shared with ALL other language blocks for very quick improvements the way Linux and other Open Source Software works. Here a genius idea from someone in Japan is described for ALL for ALL to emulate.

This transition software will also create a tax group so we don't end up with the wealthiest people owning multi state tracts of land as their country. When we reach 80%, we take all money above a million or whatever 80% agree to tax and redistribute that money to all.

Your land becomes your country. And these agencies operate WAY more smoothley. Someone within the FBI equal partnership for example has an idea. That idea is moved to a random person in the READ OTHER PEOPLE'S IDEAS queue and voted up or down.

These equal partnerships will be WAY smoother to manage. No more laws. Just equal partnerships.

Why move to this system? You can literally buy land and live on the food you grow on that land. The current system that subsidizes the killing of animals for food goes away. Our current system gives a tax benefit to people who allow cattle killers to use their land. Under your land is your country, there are no taxes except what you want to pay. What equal partnerships do you want to join? Those are YOUR choices and you CHOSE those because you WANTED to and there's WAY more care in that model. We WANTED to join the FBI equal partnership because we LOVE the FBI. We WANTED to join the county school equal partnership because we WANT to be involved. And YES, we'll have a way for poor people to go to school for FREE. We're the MIND shapers as equal partners in the school system. We're the ones forming the school. School will be FREE to poor. And NO you don't have to attend school if you don't want to. But it will be TABOO to not go to school.

"Your Land is your Country" is a MUCH freer model and more responsive and quicker democracy. Literally it's what groups you want to join you're an equal partner of. As in you're an equal voting members and control the whole direction of the things you own.

If you like this idea, remember Unlit Earth Bros. This will HAPPEN bros, and the WORLD will follow us because it's SUCH a good model.

Labor Force Participation:  62.5%  ↓ Joe Biden's Approval:  39%   ↓ Biden:  43.8%   ↑   Trump:  44.9%   ↑ Senate :  Republicans Favored ...