Friday, August 25, 2023

Unemployment: 3.5% ↓                 Joe Biden's Approval: 41.3%

                                                     Biden: 44% Trump: 42.8%


Your Land Is Your Country: We'll transition to a system where your land is your country. Police, roads, schools, FBI, the military, will all be transitioned to equal partnerships using online software. The same software will become an equal partnership business create tool. A worldwide Google replacement equal partnership, a worldwide car company equal partnership. This online software will create equal partnerships. The world will follow and there will be no more laws. VERY SIMPLE! Your land is your country.

Documentary Collection Project: Rough sketch: $10 a year with a $30 join fee. You tell me your TOP 3 documentaries of all time and I'll add some of those films to the library with money from people's $30 join fee, This will be a reserve your movies online and physically pick up what you reserved system. I'll transport all the reserved movies to some place where everyone shows up to change out their movies for a new one. We'll have a GENIUS selection of people's TOP films in our library. Everyone MUST participate in rating all movies they watch. This will sort our movies for other people to choose and also sort movies for the WORLD!!! * Movie no good ** Movie So So *** Movie very good **** Movie one of TOP I've seen. Tell me if you're interested.

Shared Housing Project: Super cheap shared housing. A big shared space where your space is an air conditioned pod. WITH a parking garage I priced this at $300 a month per head for 30 years. Then we own the thing as a group. Price will change. Tell me if you're interested.

Unlit Earth BOOK Update

No book updates.

Send me your AMAZON stories and get published! My model to keep this book going is $10 a year. All you $10 contributors will get an AD up on Unlit Earth.

Best of I favor EarthPorn and dataisbeautiful



Science Fiction




We do not believe unions are in the best interest of our customers, our shareholders or most importantly, our associates.


This is a clip from a video the company says it used in the past to teach managers about employees' rights and labor laws.


The most obvious signs would include use of words associated with unions or union-led movements, like “living wage” or “steward.”

I LOVE unions bros. But if you strike, like THESE guys, FIRED!!! When I could afford my dues, I was a member of the IWW, but of course the IWW has such an OBTUSE constitution, I would never organize under that brand. One of the founders of the ACLU was also a member of the IWW.


47% of Americans 'Agree With Ban On Slaughterhouses'"

"The operation would be a slaughterhouse, with 6-7 semiloads of cattle delivered daily to the plant for beef production.

The issue: Decatur does not allow for the slaughter of animals in city limits, according to a current ordinance on the books." -March 14, 2022 [source]
"...the [Decatur] council unanimously voted to amend a city ordinance that bans slaughterhouses within city limits." August 3, 2022 [source]


39% of the U.S. Population Can't Afford $400

The $15 minimum wage is paid for by an increase in prices to pay workers. ALL businesses have to increase their prices to pay their workers. Prices go up, and that's how we pay for this thing.

The Wealthy

The wealthiest 1% are 33% Republican and 26% Democrat. The 99% below the wealthiest 1% are 33% Democrat and 28% Republican. [source]

55% of Scientists are Democrats. 6% are Republican. [source]



68% of Americans Want Marijuana Legal Updates

"The government of the Bahamas has unveiled several bills aimed at legalizing marijuana for medical and religious purposes and decriminalizing possession of small amounts, joining other Caribbean nations that have taken similar steps." [source]

MAP of legalization effort


Velomobiles / Electric Bikes

 His electric bike looks good. It's $1899 



Mind Master Stuff

I do a lot of mind work with the shadows of water in a square container. I mastered electromagnetic horny and it's run pretty solid for over a year straight. I discovered electromagnetic horny will replicate ANY matter wave set.

I run harmful matter wave sets BACKWARD with the words "snow ice water" with a shadow as my secondary input to maximize the amount of cold I connect to. The matter waves rewind as they always do. And they'll rewind WAY back in time. But then there's another harmful matter wave set I want rewound backwards so I'll think "snow ice water" and THESE matter waves will be reversed. But the matter waves I set to reverse BEFORE this, ALSO reverse!!! So then it's a matter of which harm do you prefer. Here I'll run an expect to perfect with both harmful sets in view. Expect to perfect makes GENIUS creates.

But in micro world, what a treat to control these matter waves more precisely. I have the words "snow ice water" with a shadow to run harmful matter waves BACKWARD. A more advanced system would be a directional matter wave comparer with very quick access to cooling and warmth.

You would think these micro Earth's would be able to communicate up to our macro world. I discovered electromagnetic horny will replicate matter waves and by logical deduction, ALL seeds will replicate matter waves. This is my theory of lightning and magnets. Photons are set to replicate as they exist in between seeds, gain strength and STRIKE!!! Because the strike was a creation of a seed loop, the magnet formed in the Earth is a loop because it's a creation of this seed loop.

So as a micro Earth set with a TON of cooling momentum as your counter, you simply set whatever matter waves you WANT in the replication area and the matter waves will grow as the seed grows. So these micro Earths simply set a communication interface into a seed. communication interface grows to be able to interface with our macro matter wave sets, then the entire thing is REVERSED by simply apply COLD momentum. That's didn't work, so we reverse the interface seed with COLD and try again.

But at OUR matter level, we're not trying to interface up to a higher matter level set, so why would a micro Earth?

This makes sense if you imagine matter as a matter wave set.

COLD is the past
WARMER is the future

In cold matter waves slowed down. As warmth increases, matter waves speed up. And in this way I can run stuff forward and backwards. When you add an expect set, you can do cool things. Like expect person to their email. But this doesn't always get me accurate information. Sometimes the emails don't work.

I use shadows with expect because I theorize in COLD I can find more expect sets. In other words if forward expect is a gravity, fall, the more cold you have, the more fall possibilities you have. So I use shadows a LOT!! And by thinking the words "snow ice water" with shadows I have even MORE cold and in COLD is the past of everything you look at.
"Oh, that car drove in from the South." for example. I don't KNOW for certain that the car came from the South, but a reverse of SOME matter wave relationship to the car I was looking at moved to the South.

You can imagine a sensory system that includes these past and future matter waves.

COLDER is the past
WARMER is the future


I happened to be in the Austin, Texas area and was listening to KMFA. I like to listen to classical because there are no MAN voices. I need WOMAN singers running in my ears or CLASSICAL. Well this show called The Workbench on KMFA in Austin is hilarious because the guy will LITERALLY yap for a MINUTE in between songs. I timed him.

2:20:04 music starts
2:20:10 starts talking
2:20:59 stops talking 49 seconds of talking
2:21:00 music starts
2:26:10 music stops
2:26:11 starts talking
2:27:00 stops talking 49 seconds of talking
2:27:01 music starts
2:30:37 music stop
2:30:48 starts talking
2:32:10 stops talking 1 minute 22 seconds
Spot in China for you to think your method over Work Bench guy. We'll show you where the water is after you stop talking.

Antarctica Matter Route


Labor Force Participation:  62.5%  ↓ Joe Biden's Approval:  39%   ↓ Biden:  43.8%   ↑   Trump:  44.9%   ↑ Senate :  Republicans Favored ...