Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Unemployment: 3.8% 

Joe Biden's Approval: 40.3% 
Biden: 43.7% ↑   Trump: 44.1% ↓

Your Land Is Your Country: We'll transition to a system where your land is your country. Police, roads, schools, FBI, the military and all other government groups will all be transitioned to equal partnerships using online software. The same software will become an equal partnership business create tool. Global equal partnerships then drive all the large businesses out of business. ONE global car company for example. Lots of GLOBAL intelligence internal to this car company. And WE own this thing!!! As equals.

Documentary Video Share Project: Rough sketch: $10 a year with a $30 join fee. You tell me your TOP 3 documentaries of all time and I'll add some of those films to the library with money from people's $30 join fee, This will be a reserve your movies online and pick them up from me at a meet point. I'll transport all the reserved movies to some place where everyone shows up to change out their movies for a new one. This will build a GENIUS selection of people's TOP films. Tell me if you're interested.

Shared Housing Project: Super cheap shared housing. A big shared space where your space is an air conditioned pod. WITH a parking garage I priced this at $300 a month per head for 30 years. Then we own the thing as a group. Price will change. Tell me if you're interested.

Audio Shorts: Once Unlit Earth gets big, we'll introduce audio shorts. All your best stories.


Unlit Earth BOOK Update

No book updates.

Send me your AMAZON stories and get published! My model to keep this book going is $10 a year. All you $10 contributors will get an AD up on Unlit Earth.


Best of

Update on the new castle being built in Poland. Photo taken this week.

One strange structure in Cappadocia Türkiye [OC] [2452x3267]

This chapel almost made me religious

Roman bridge in Antalya

The Scottish Highlands

One of the most beautiful and magic place in the world. (Civita di Bagnoregio - Italy)

"Where in the U.S. Can You Find the Most Days of Comfortable Weather Per Year, Matching Your Preference?" [OC]


Science Fiction

This is SO these micro matter wave worlds bros. This at the edge of a ROCK or something.


47% of Americans 'Agree With Ban On Slaughterhouses'

潛入屠宰場、臥底調查保育類野生動物買賣/陳玉敏投身動保 25 年:「直視苦難才有改變的可能。」[source]

Translation: Sneaking into the slaughterhouse and working undercover to investigate the trade of protected wild animals/Chen Yumin has been devoted to animal welfare for 25 years: "Only by looking directly at suffering can change be possible." [source]

But then down in the article you find "Chen Yumin, who sells fish at home...." [source] Straight plants woman.


Velomobiles / Electric Bikes

The US Postal Service is Testing an Electric Bike 6/6/2022

39% of the U.S. Population Can't Afford $400

Minimum Wage Map of the United States

Median Household Income In the United States


The Wealthy 

 Highest Paid CEOs


Top Songs I've Heard Recently 

Bond - Winter (Vivaldi, 4 Seasons)


Who To Fire, From a Union Guy

"75,000 Kaiser Permanente workers walk off the job. It’s the largest health care worker strike in US history" [source] FIRED, DOPES!!!!

Ford makes seventh contract offer to UAW, rather than fire ALL strikers. [source]


I think this logic set came from someone in real estate: "It's the banks job to determined the true value of Trumps real estate." So there's no fraud and this whole trial will backfire just like impeachment, which is a huge deal because we're set to lose it all if things don't improve. People in my party ate it up. Something like 80% of Democrats thoughts impeachment was a good thing and it's SO obvious there was a backfire from this, because people know what's right. Democracy Now was hilarious when they presented impeachment because one of their cohosts, Juan, BROKE IN, to the Lincoln Hospital the same way the people who invaded the Congress broke in to Congress but Democracy Now put these people who were pro impeachment!!! WOW Juan don't you remember your little crew breaking in to Lincoln Hospital because you didn't like what was going on? And there's no regret. Democracy Now highlighted a documentary about the break in on their website. It sat their as a highlight, to the best of my recollection, WHILE they were interviewing pro impeachment people on their show. No one seemed to notice the disconnect of logic here. You're crew Juan is BREAKING IN to the HOSPITAL as you host your Democracy Now with your guest on Democracy Now who talks about how Trump is somehow responsible for these people breaking in to Congress!!! These people are absolutely ASTOUNDING!!! I gave Democracy Now $500 at one point. I LOVE their show, but it's not one of those shows I loudly promote because some of their material, you CRINGE at!!!

I was reading one of the latest bills that just passed the Congress. Our government has the military maintain waterways, rather than a finance group paid into by businesses that ship products along these waterways and the states where the waterways exist. Our Congress makes us pay for the waterways in other states. :

7    For expenses necessary for the construction of river

8 and harbor, flood and storm damage reduction, shore pro

9 tection, aquatic ecosystem restoration, and related

10 projects authorized by law; for conducting detailed studies,

11 and plans and specifications, of such projects (including

12 those involving participation by States, local governments,

13 or private groups) authorized or made eligible for selection

14 by law (but such detailed studies, and plans and specifica

15 tions, shall not constitute a commitment of the Govern

16 ment to construction); $2,889,942,000, to remain avail

17 able until expended; of which $74,152,000, to be derived

18 from the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund, shall be to

19 cover the Federal share of construction costs for facilities

20 under the Dredged Material Disposal Facilities program


Basically all the states set up a fund, paid for by all boaters. To drive a boat in the waterway, you have to support the common waterway fund. You're boat needs to be registered. A fair system would count how many miles of the waterway you use. That is your percent you pay, relative to how many miles everyone else uses.

If there's not enough money to support the waterway, then it goes away as a shipping route, not artificially propped up in the market, by our tax dollars.


What's our president doing, besides meeting with strikers, who should all be fired, he's into forgiving $9 billion dollars worth of student debt relief. [source]

Antarctica Matter Route

Патриарх Кирилл: Антарктида — это образ идеального человечества

Translation: "Patriarch Kirill: Antarctica is an image of ideal humanity" [source]

Labor Force Participation:  62.5%  ↓ Joe Biden's Approval:  39%   ↓ Biden:  43.8%   ↑   Trump:  44.9%   ↑ Senate :  Republicans Favored ...